The law of divorce in India is very simple yet so complex.
There are two types of divorces:
1- Contested Divorce
2- Uncontested/ Mutual Consent Divorce
Contested Divorce
There are various grounds that can be taken towards a grant of decree of divorce by way of contesting such as adultery, cruelty, etc. You can also raise the ground to declare the marriage solemnized as null and void within a period of 1 year from the date of solemnization of marriage by citing reasons such as consent obtained by fraud, non-consummation of marriage, health issues, etc.
The procedure for a contested divorce is as follows:
Stage 1: Drafting > Filing > Numbering > Date of Hearing > 3 counselling sessions
Stage 2: counter statement to be filed
Stage 3: evidence/filing of proof affidavits to mark documents to be relied upon > cross examination
Stage 4: final arguments > orders.
The timeline for a contested divorce can be anything between 6 – 24 months depending on the facts and circumstances of every case and the legal counsels you choose to hire.
There are various nitty gritties in contested divorce cases which can only be addressed on a case to case basis and in my opinion it is extremely important to hire a competent and expert divorce lawyer to assist you.
It is to be noted that there is an option of appeal to the high court and a further appeal to the supreme court of India. However, such appeals are disposed of expediously as possible.
The procedure for a un-contested divorce is as follows:
Stage 1: Drafting > Filing > Numbering > Date of Hearing > 3 counselling sessions
Stage 2: counter statement to be filed
Stage 3: evidence/filing of proof affidavits to mark documents to be relied upon > cross examination
Stage 4: final arguments > orders.
Drafting of petition> Filing > Numbering of Case> Posted for hearing> date given after 6 months > evidence led through proof affidavit > divorce granted.
Moreover, in cases where the parties have been living separately for a period of one year, a waiver petition and affidavit can be filed to obtain a decree of divorce within a period of 30-45 days from the date of filing the petition.
Mutual Contested Divorce :
1.Both the Husband and wife should be present before the Hon’ble Judge at the time of filing the Mutual consent petition. The Court will verify the details in the Mutual consent petition and send it to the court officer for verify it as if it is properly filed as per requirements of the court documentation.
2.The Mutual consent petition if it seems in order then the Court officer will number it and post before the Court and they provide a hearing date after 6 months from the date of numbering the petition.
3.In case of emergency both the husband and wife can file a waiver petition to waive the six months waiting period. The court if it find there is no way for reunion and irrevocable breakdown of marriage then it waive the cooling period after one week of numbering the petition.
4.If the court consider it is deemed fit ot grant mutual consent then it grant divorce on mutual consent. The time period to get mutual consent divorce is 22 days to 180 days. The period will go beyond 180 days also according to the circumstances the case.